Joint Completion

Joint Completion

Joint Completion

공동완주인증 마크

It is a special certify program by distributing an additional certificate to those who have completed the Jeju Olle Trail and the Way of St. James, for more than 100 km, respectively. To carry out this mutual accreditation, the Jeju Olle Foundation and Tourism of Galicia have signed an MOU on Friendship paths. From the first day of September 2022 you can request this certificate of compliance of mutual route. Those who achieve this certificate will be registered on the Hall of Fame website with their photograph and travel record.

Certificate and Medal

  • Granted items for Joint Completion

    To commemorate the fulfillment of the mutual journey, they are awarded the certificate and the commemorative medal.
  • Items to Bring for the Certificate Request

    Taking into account the characteristics of hikers, who must lighten their luggage, they can request the certificate by presenting only the photos of the certificate of each path. However, in the certificate issued by the Jeju Olle Foundation, the name must be indicated in English. If not, they must write thier name in English on the certificate, first.
  • Each Certificate Issued Before

    People who have previously obtained the distance certificate can also request the mutual route compliance certificate.


  • Is it possible to get Joint Completion certificate in both places of Spain and Jeju?

    No. Because Jeju Olle Foundation and S.A. Xestión de Plan Xacobeo together manage the list of those who have completed the route, if they obtain said certificate in one part, they cannot request it in the other.
  • Can the certificate of mutual travel compliance be obtained several times if it travels the two paths repeatedly?

    If they do both ways several times, they can get the certificate of mutual compliance so many times. Both trails have many hikers who have completed repeatedly.
  • Is it possible to issue the Joint Completion certificate again if it is lost?

    In principle, the Joint Completion certificate is not reissued, therefore, you must keep it carefully.
